Conviron launches EVO
Jan 26, 2022
EVO is a cost-effective and energy efficient series of plant growth rooms, suitable for a wide range of short, medium or tall plants.
The EVO series features a unique horizontal air movement design that delivers a high degree of spatial uniformity for plant growth. EVO can be configured at the time of purchase in a range of modular sizes based on the number of carts selected. Carts can be single or multi-tier with a range of LED intensities and spectra to suit your plant research requirements. The modularity of design eases installation and allows some flexibility to fit non-standard spaces.
Short or Tall Plants
The entire growth area of EVO can be fitted with the standard three-tier configuration or an optional single or two-tier configuration – all of which deliver different light intensities. The height of each growth tier is easily adjustable and requires no special equipment, enabling you to vary the shelf height according to your requirements.
The airflow design directs conditioned air horizontally across the shelving from uniquely designed ducts on the side wall that reach from floor to ceiling. Air returns upward through circulating fans. Filtered fresh air is conditioned prior to entering the growth area.
Learn more about EVO below or contact us for additional information.
Data Sheets