Announcing the GEN1000-ECO

Today Conviron announced the launch of a new plant growth chamber, the GEN1000-ECO. The GEN1000-ECO is part of the Conviron Genesis™ lineup of plant growth chambers. Conviron Genesis™ now includes:

  • GEN1000-ECO
  • GEN1000
  • GEN1000-GE
  • GEN2000

Why this product, why now?

Conviron clients are increasingly calling for more energy efficient products. The GEN1000-ECO fills that gap by being nearly twice as energy efficient as other chambers of similar size on the market. It also rejects only 2,824BTU/hr to ambient compared to its nearest competitor (4,100BTU/hr) which means your lab’s air conditioning will not have to work nearly as hard to keep your air at a comfortable working temperature.

One Chamber. Three Applications.

The GEN1000-ECO can be fitted from the factory with one of three options – incubation, short plant or tall plant. Having the right option pre-installed from the factory means you can get growing fast and have the reassurance that your chamber arrives ready for both your plants and your research program:

As clients tend to keep their Conviron units running for a long time, your research requirements may change over the years. Should you be looking for ways to adapt your chamber while minimizing your impact on budget, the GEN1000-ECO chamber includes electrical outlets for all three lighting tier variants (see above), even if those tiers were not originally ordered. This makes it simpler and less expensive to retrofit your chamber with additional lighting canopies if your research changes over time.

Other Features

The temperature range of the GEN1000-ECO is 4-35OC (lights off) and 10-35 OC (lights on) and has exceptional humidity control; active at any temperature above 4ºC (or 10ºC min dry bulb).

As many clients already know well, airflow is critical in growing spaces. Plant growth chambers fully loaded, with a dense canopy, or with very tight spacing require faster airflow. Inadequate airflow impedes photosynthesis, water loss from the leaf decreases, and water uptake through the plant is diminished which can result in nutritional deficiencies and create conditions that are more favorable for pathogens. To address this the GEN1000-ECO has an adjustable fan speed from 65% to 100%. It’s rated velocity too is 30% faster than its nearest competitor – helping ensure you always have adequate airflow.

The GEN1000-ECO also comes equipped with features clients appreciate out of convenience and for the safety of their staff. For example the unit comes pre-installed with Ultra Sonic Humidification (USH) saving you the inconvenience of having to do it yourself. It also comes standard with a sturdy offloading ramp to assist in removing it quickly and safely from the shipping pallet. Yet more features to help you get growing faster.

To learn more about the GEN1000-ECO download our brochure and data sheet below or contact Conviron directly.


GEN1000-ECO - Brochure

Data Sheets

GEN1000-ECO - Data Sheet

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