Plant growth chamber with four channel LEDs for tissue culture research
Dec 1, 2018
This double door multi-tier reach in chamber was equipped with multi-channel LED bars for tissue culture research.
The supplier of the light bars (G2V Optics) was able to customize the length of its bars and the number of light bars per fixture so that it would conform to an existing chamber design (Conviron model A2000). The LED light fixtures are quite shallow which enabled Conviron to install the fixtures within a three-tier reach in chamber. There are 4 fixtures per tier for a total of 24 LED bars in the entire chamber.
In addition to customizing the physical dimensions of the fixtures, the bars feature a four channel adjustable spectrum in ultraviolet, blue, red and far red. At any given time, one, two, three or all four channels can be activated simultaneously. To accommodate the four channel lighting an Argus Titan controller was selected rather than the standard controller for the A2000: