Announcing ConvironDirect

Upgrade to ConvironDirect and take your research to the next level. ConvironDirect is a premium software tool that enables you to manage chamber setpoints and actual conditions remotely through any building LAN connected desktop, notebook or handheld mobile device.

ConvironDirect limited time offer

With a highly intuitive dashboard layout and enhanced graphing tools, ConvironDirect is the industry’s leading software platform that enables a seamless connection to your chamber, your plants, and your data from virtually anywhere.

ConvironDirect graphical user interface
At-a-glance dashboard layout enables you to easily manage chamber setpoints and actual conditions remotely.

Be in control. From anywhere.

  • Access your Conviron plant growth chambers at your desktop, laptop, tablet or on the go
  • Save time by not having to be near your chambers
  • Customize your desktop to access all of your chambers at-a-glance
  • Name your chambers according to your preferences – e.g. Arabidopsis chamber, LED wheat room, CO2 chamber, etc.
  • Gain access to a dashboard based user experience with enhanced graphing capabilities
  • Never lose touch with your plants and your research data – wherever you are
ConvironDirect graphing
The enhanced graphing tools and visualizations ensure you always have a clear view of your data.

Compatibility With Your Controller

ConvironDirect is fully compatible with Conviron chambers or rooms equipped with the CMP6060 control system (pictured below) running v7.11 software or higher.

How to Activate

Activate ConvironDirect remotely by:

  • contacting Conviron by phone or email in the contact section of this website or using the form below
  • emailing
  • Scanning the QR code after remoting into the IP address of the controller - see quick start guide below for step-by-step instructions


ConvironDirect Quick Start
Conviron chamber CMP6060 cotroller
ConvironDirect is fully compatible with Conviron chambers or rooms equipped with the CMP6060 control system (pictured above) running v7.11 software or higher.

Contact Us

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arabidopsis-research 3